We are a Palestinian family living in Italy. Our roots are anchored in Palestine, in the city of Nablus.
We believe that every country has a heart and that the heart of every country is its culture.
A culture that encompasses values, symbols, concepts on which the union and sense of belonging of a people who feel at one with the piece of land on which they live are based.
A culture, the Palestinian one, increasingly threatened by those who have been trying for years to kill it in order to take possession of its lands in which it is well rooted and intertwined with the roots of the olive trees.
Spreading Palestinian culture for us means transmitting its history to the present and its past to the future. It means keeping our olive trees alive and giving water to their roots. And spreading its beauty and excellence everywhere.
We are trying, in our small way, to convey to you with strength and determination the message of an entire people who claim and will continue to claim their existence.
For us, offering you something typical of Palestine means letting you taste part of us, part of our life, part of our world.
And so, enjoy your taste of Palestine.